Department of Natural Resources – The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources works to integrate and sustain the interdependent values of a healthy environment, a sustainable economy, and livable communities.
Minnesota Chamber of Commerce – The Minnesota Chamber leads the statewide business community to advance pro-business, responsible public policy that creates jobs and grows the economy, and provides member services to address evolving business needs.
Minnesota Compass – Data profiles for 27 of the largest cultural communities in Minnesota, including African American, Chinese, Ethiopian, Filipino, Hmong, Indian, Korean, Mexican, Native American, Somali, Vietnamese, and more
Minnesota Historical Society – The Minnesota Historical Society preserves Minnesota’s past, shares the state’s stories, and connects people with history in meaningful ways, for today and tomorrow.
Minnesota Zoo – Created by the State of Minnesota, the Minnesota Zoo opened in 1978 with a mission to connect people, animals, and the natural world to save wildlife.
National Arkansas Day – National Arkansas Day is January 11 every year, and if you are a native or nature lover, this is one of the days you get to celebrate.
Tennessee Statehood Day– Statehood Day of Tennessee is an annual holiday celebrated on June 1.
National Hawaii Day – National Hawaii Day is observed annually every July 5 to celebrate becoming the 50th state of the U.S.
Rhode Island Independence Day – Rhode Island Independence Day is on May 4. It is a day to commemorate the independence of Rhode Island making it the first sovereign and independent state in the western world.
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