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On the Web
Tea for Two Tuesday – Celebrated every year on the third Tuesday in March. Share a pot of tea with a friend or family!
The Hidden Health Benefits of Tea – While some brews provide more health advantages than others, there’s plenty of evidence that regularly drinking tea can have a lasting impact on your wellness.
The Nutrition Source – Most traditional teas do not contain a significant amount of nutrients, but are rich in polyphenols. These are plant chemicals that give teas their distinct flavor and aroma and may have health-promoting properties.
Tea Class – An informative tea class from Adagio Teas.
Types of Tea – From matcha tea made for Japanese tea ceremonies to old-fashioned sweet tea you’d find in the South, tea is complex and offers a huge variety of flavors.
Types of Teas & Their Benefits – Regarded for thousands of years in the East as a key to good health, happiness, and wisdom, tea has caught the attention of researchers in the West, who are discovering the many health benefits of different types of teas.
Herb & Spice Day – National Herbs and Spices Day falls on June 10 every year and celebrates the world of diversity when it comes to these often flavoring agents.
Cupcake Day– June 14, National Cupcake Day is a sign that it’s time to enjoy one of the world’s most delightful treats, the cupcake.
National Cheesecake Day – uly 30 is the day we enjoy the cheesiest cake for desert or just because!
Bake Cookies Day – Bake Cookies Day is on December 18, just in time for Christmas.
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