Embrace Your Geekness Day – From Dungeons and Dragons to Aquaman: if you’re into any sort of fandom and not afraid to show it, Embrace Your Geekness Day on July 13 is for you.
Geek Pride Day – Be proud to be a geek on May 25 and every day!
Geek News Central – Get all of the latest tech and geek related news.
Science Fiction Day – Fans of classic film will enjoy the playlist of sci-fi-themed movies from the 1950s and 1960s on January 2nd.
Appreciate A Dragon– January 16 is an opportunity to learn about the history, mythology, and real-life dragons today.
National Anime Day – The reason for celebrating National Anime Day as an annual event on April 15 is that anime has grown in popularity over the past few decades.
Star Wars Day– May the 4th be with you – celebrate a galaxy far, far, away on May 4th!
Tabletop Game Day – The first Saturday in June is International Tabletop Day!
Superman Day – Celebrating the Man of Steel on June 12.
Social Media Day – Celebrating Social Media and Social Media Networks on June 30!
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