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On the Web
National Rum Day – August 16 is National Rum Day and an opportunity to celebrate your favorite spirit.
The Complete Rum Guide – From tiki bars to pool-side sipping, nothing quite transports you to the tropics like rum. But not all rum is created equal. Discover everything you need to know to get started with rum.
Rob’s Rum Guide – Offering guidance and advice about the many different categories, styles and types of rum produced around the world.
The Rum Lab – The Rum Lab is an educational platform focused on the rum, rhum & ron industry. Every week, their Industry Newsletter is shared to thousands of professionals in the spirits industry.
Rum Ratings – Rum Ratings was a passion project that quickly took a life of its own and grew to be the largest online rum community in the world. Members can create their personal rum cabinet, share their rum adventures with friends, and discover new favorites.
Wikipedia – The spirit, according to the Internet encyclopedia.
National Daiquiri Day – Celebrate the refreshing alcoholic beverage with a fruity twist on July 19.
National Tequila Day– Celebrate Mexico’s “Drink of the Gods” on July 24 with your favorite tequila cocktail!
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