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On the Web
National Online Learning Day – National Online Learning Day on September 15 celebrates the huge array of learning resources that are available to students online.
edX – Start learning from the world’s best educational institutions. Featuring free and paid courses.
Facts About Online Education– Online college degrees have come a long way since the early days of the digital era. But that doesn’t mean all online degree programs are equal.
Online & Distance Learning in Canada – If you want a Canadian education, but you’re unable to leave home for all or part of your studies, virtual studies may be the right option for you.
Online Education USA – Online learning, also known as distance education, is a great way to experience the U.S. education system without leaving home.
What Is Blended Learning? – See how blended learning—a combination of online activities and face-to-face teaching—helps teachers differentiate instruction and spend more time with students.
Video Game Day – September 12 is National Video Games Day! Prepare for a day of fun.
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