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On the Web
National Cake Decorating Day – With holiday dessert buffets coming up soon, National Cake Decorating Day on October 10, is the perfect time to practice your technique!
Cake Ideas – Wilton has the perfect cake decorating ideas for every occasion! These easy-to-follow ideas will help spark any bakers creative side, including ideas for wedding and birthday cakes
National Cake Day– National Cake Day is on November 26. We believe Marie Antoinette said it best when she (allegedly) said “let them eat cake!”
Cupcake Day– June 14, National Cupcake Day is a sign that it’s time to enjoy one of the world’s most delightful treats, the cupcake.
Bake for Family Fun Month – National Bake For Family Fun Month, celebrated all of February, provides a reason to enjoy the kitchen together.
Fudge Day – June 16th the sweetest day of the month!
Cheesecake Day – July 30 is the day we enjoy the cheesiest cake for desert or just because!
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