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World Techno Day – 9 December marks World Techno Day, a celebration of this genre of electronic dance music.
Free Music Archive – Free Music Archive (FMA) offers free access to open licensed, original music by independent artists around the world. Tens of millions of online visitors roam the FMA catalogue each month to find and download original songs for personal use or featured tracks in media projects.
One-Hit Wonder Day– National One-Hit Wonder Day on September 25 was declared by music journalist Steve Rosen in 1990, to remember artists who had their five minutes of fame once upon a time.
Punk for A Day Day – Punk For a Day Day on October 25, is all about celebrating the punk movement, as well as punk music.
International Music Day – In 1974, the International Music Council declared that International Music Day would be celebrated on October 1 every year.
Get Funky Day – October 5 is always National Get Funky Day, get-happy-and-celebrate-life!
Kids Music Day – Kids Music Day is celebrated every year on the first Friday of October.
Techno Music at Radio.Garden
A selection of techno music radio from across the globe to enjoy at Radio.Garden
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