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Buddhist New Year – This Celebration signifies a sacred start of a fresh year with a hope to enlighten people’s life with bliss and fortune.
Buddhist New Year Celebrations – The New Year is celebrated differently in every Buddhist culture, but to many Buddhists it is a key date on the sacred calendar associated with renewal and purification.
History of Mahayana New Year – The celebration is marked with extensive prayer and honoring the Buddhism gods. Statues of the gods are also shown respect by bathing them. Temples are visited on the Buddhist New Year, and songs of spirituality are sung to the deities. Candles are also lit as a symbol of happiness and luck for the new year. Mahayana New Year is celebrated this year on January 14.
Mahayana Buddhism – An introduction of the Bidhist branc of Buddhism.
Wikipedia – Mahayana according to the Internet encyclopedia.
Bodhi Day – Observed on December 8, Bodhi Day marks the moment that took place 2,500 years ago when Siddhartha Gautama achieved enlightenment and became the Buddha or ‘awakened one’.
Chinese Lunar New Year – Chinese New Year is the main holiday of the year for more than one-quarter of the world’s population.
Diwali – In 2022, Diwali falls on October 24th which is a new moon day or Amavasya.
Rosh Hashanah – Learn about the Jewish New Year customs and celebration.
Japanese Culture Day – Culture Day in Japan is celebrated every year on November 3.
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