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On the Web
National LEGO Day– Celebrate these imaginative toys on January 28! Lego is used to make toy buildings, vehicles, creatures, machines, anything imaginable — and they can be taken apart and put back together as often as you’d like.
Creativity Month – Explore your creativity during the month of January and beyond! Being creative in the first month of the year can set you up for success!
Bobblehead Day – National Bobblehead Day on January 7 now is a chance to recognize the fun behind these dolls and figures.
Kid Inventor’s Day – Recognizing the innovative creations of children on January 17.
Geekness Day – If you’re into any sort of fandom and not afraid to show it, Embrace Your Geekness Day on July 13.
Game & Puzzle Week – National Game and Puzzle Week is from November 20 to November 26, spanning Thanksgiving week.
Shop With Me – As an independent content creator my income comes from purchases via my affiliates. These hand-picked partners were chosen with care. This shopping directory provides an eclectic shopping experience and I appreciate any purchases you may enjoy as it supports my efforts to provide content.
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