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On the Web
National Kazoo Day – Each year on January 28, America celebrates National Kazoo Day.
Homemade Kazoo – A fun science project for the classroom, kids, and their families.
Can You Play a Kazoo?-There’s one instrument that many kids can play. You may have received one as a toy at a birthday party in the past. What is it? The kazoo!
Children’s Birthday – Fun food, games, activities, decorations and more for youngsters.
Yo-Yo Day – Discover the fun and physics of the yo-yo on June 6.
World Techno Music Day – 9 December marks World Techno Day, a celebration of this genre of electronic dance music.
STEM/STEAM Day – November 8th is the day to celebrate science, technology, engineering, and math opportunities for students and their families.
Donald Duck Day – Celebrate your favorite Disney Duck on the 9th of June!
Country Music Month – October was picked by the Country Music Association to recognize artists of the genre and their tunes.
Shop With Me – As an independent content creator my income comes from purchases via my affiliates. These hand-picked partners were chosen with care. This shopping directory provides an eclectic shopping experience and I appreciate any purchases you may enjoy as it supports my efforts to provide content.
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