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On the Web
Veggie Month – Veggie Month is celebrated in March in the U.K. every year. No, this is not a time to start judging yourself for eating more meat than you eat plants. This is a time to appreciate vegetables and the wonders they do to promote healthy living.
National Vegetarian Week – National Vegetarian Week is 15–21 May 2023. The week will highlight how switching to veggie meals can reduce your carbon footprint and help the planet, improving your meals by miles!
Vegetarian Month – Discover the benefits of celebrating vegetarianism through October.
Becoming A Vegetarian – Only you can decide whether a vegetarian diet is right for you. If better health is your goal, here are some things to consider.
Go Meat Free – With National Vegetarian Week on the horizon what better time to explore some of the benefits of cutting-out or reducing meat altogether from your meals?
The Vegetarian Diet – The Eatwell Guide shows the different types of food we should eat to have a healthy, balanced diet, and in what proportions.
Vegetarianism – According to Wikipedia, the Internet encyclopedia.
Maple Syrup Day – Many people, even lovers of this delicious liquid gold, don’t know maple syrup has its own day dedicated to learning about and celebrating it! Celebrate the sweetness on December 17!
Potato Lover’s Month – Potato Lover’s Month is celebrated in February every year.
National Garden Month – National Gardening Week was observed yearly in April until 2002 when the entire month of April was dedicated to “all things gardening”.
Earth Day – Fun ideas for getting the younger generation involved with Earth Day.
National Peach Month – August is the perfect month to enjoy the most juiciest of fruits!
Shop With Me – As an independent content creator my income comes from purchases via my affiliates. These hand-picked partners were chosen with care. This shopping directory provides an eclectic shopping experience and I appreciate any purchases you may enjoy as it supports my efforts to provide content.
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