Statehood and State History – Information highlighting Tennessee’s beginnings to statehood and the formation of government, as well as state symbols and the State Constitution.
Tennessee Historical Society – The THS is a private not-for-profit membership organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of all aspects of Tennessee history.
TN History for Kids – Most public school students in Tennessee have no Tennessee history or civics textbook, even though students in about half of the grades are required to learn parts of the subject every school year.
Because of this, it is more important than ever that students have a place to go for information on Tennessee history.
Welcome to Tennessee – Your starting point for planning your Tenessee visit or vacation.
Wikipedia – The State of Tennessee according to the Internet encyclopedia.
Rhode Island Independence Day – Rhode Island Independence Day is on May 4. It is a day to commemorate the independence of Rhode Island making it the first sovereign and independent state in the western world.
National Idaho Day – May 17 celebrates the day in 1863 when Idaho was recognized as the 43rd state by the union.
Road Trip Day– National Road Trip Day occurs on the Friday before Memorial Day in the U.S.
Genealogy Day – Genealogy Day is every second Saturday in March and this year, it takes place on March 11.
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