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On the Web
Peru Independence Day – Celebrate Peru’s Independence Day on July 28. It is a historic day for the people of Peru whereby they celebrate their hard-earned independence.
Fiestas Patrias– The Fiestas Patrias peruanas, or Peruvian National Holidays, are celebrations of Peru’s independence from the Spanish Empire.
Culture of Peru – A Wikipedia resource covering literature, art, music, sports and more.
Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu – Machu Picchu stands 2,430 m above sea-level, in the middle of a tropical mountain forest, in an extraordinarily beautiful setting.
Indigenous People in Peru – There are 4 million Indigenous Peoples in Peru, who are comprised of 55 groups speaking 47 languages.
Lima – Information and resources about the city from Wikimedia Commons.
Peru History and Timeline – Civilization in the Andes has long been equated with the Incas. But more than a millennium before the Incas ruled Peru, there were societies such as the Nazca and the Moche creating adobe cities, woven garments, and exquisite objects of gold and silver.
UNESCO– Peru representation at the World Heritage Convention.
The World Bank – Peru’s macroeconomic fundamentals remain sound: a low public debt to gross domestic product (GDP) ratio, considerable international reserves and a reliable central bank.
Argentine Independence Day – Argentine Independence Day is observed annually on July 9. It is a national public holiday that marks the day when Argentina declared independence from Spain.
Uruguay Constirtution Day – Officially known as ‘Jura de la Constitucion de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay,’ the holiday commemorates the adoption of Uruguay’s first constitution on July 18, 1830.
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