Scented Candle Day– Take a breather and relax as we celebrate Scented Candle Day on November 1.
14 Benefits of Burning Candles – Burning candles are not solely decorative, as they can also offer a myriad of other benefits too.
Candle Color Meaning for Meditation – Candle colors: since ancient times, candles have had great magical significance in this magical world. Wise men knew that the color of a candle greatly affects not only the energy of space, but also has a direct influence on humans.
Candle Safety – From 2015-2019 U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 7,400 home structure fires that were started by candles per year. These fires caused an annual average of 90 deaths, 670 injuries, and $291 million in direct property damage.
Candle Science – There’s a lot of chemistry and physics behind the beauty and light of a candle flame. In fact, scientists have been fascinated by candles for hundreds of years.
Step-by-Step Guides for Candlemaking – The guides on the following pages provide illustrated instructions about making candles and other home fragrance products.
Wikipedia – The candle, according to the Internet encyclopedia.
Creativity Month – Explore your creativity during the month of January and beyond! Being creative in the first month of the year can set you up for success!
Upcycling Day – Upcycling Day, held every June 24, is an international celebration of repurposing old items and upcycling them so that they are not wasted.
Diwali – In 2022, Diwali falls on October 24th which is a new moon day or Amavasya.
Lucia Day – The annual candlelit Lucia procession on 13 December is perhaps one of the more exotic-looking Swedish customs, with girls and boys clad in white full-length gowns singing songs together.
Hanukkah – Hanukkah, which means ‘dedication’ in Hebrew, begins on the 25th of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar and usually falls in November or December.
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