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Get Ready for Kindergarten
On the Web
Get Ready for Kindergarten Month – August is National Get Ready for Kindergarten Month! Kindergarten is a very exciting time for both parents and children, and art in the kindergarten classroom plays multiple roles in early development.
National Kindergarten Day – Each year on April 21st, National Kindergarten Day honors the birthday of the man who started the first Kindergarten. Friedrich Wilhelm August Frobel.
Back to School Month – August is here and back to school days are just around the corner!
National Tell A Fairy Tale Day – February 26 is National Fairy Tale Day and the perfect opportunity to share the myths and legends that have become our escape into fantasy.
Mother Goose Day – We are swept back to memories of our childhood whenever we hear of National Mother Goose Day on May 1.
Sesame Street Day – This November 10th is Sesame Street Day! Get ready to celebrate the most widely viewed kids’ show in the world!
Must have kindergarten skills.
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