Austrian Biodiversity – Learn about Austria’s protected nature areas and initiatives.
Austria Genealogy – Resources for family historians researching Austrian roots.
Austria History – Like most European countries, Austria looks back on a very eventful history. Yet there are some elements of the Austrian character that haven’t changed much over the centuries.
Austrian Food & Wine – Austrian cuisine, or Viennese cuisine, as it’s known throughout the country, is a mixture of all the culinary traditions of the many Crown lands of the old Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Innsbruck – Between culture and nature, high peaks and low valleys, traditions and trends – no other region combines extreme contrasts with as much charm as Innsbruck.
Rick Steve’s Europe – Small, landlocked Austria offers alpine scenery, world-class museums, cobbled quaintness, and Wiener schnitzel
Estonia Victory Day – Estonia Victory Day on June 23 is a public holiday and a day of great celebration.
Croatia Independence Day – Croatia Independence Day is celebrated every year on June 25 to commemorate when Croatia proclaimed its intentions to sever its ties with the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Portugal Day – Portugal Day is the official national holiday of Portugal, and it is observed on June 10 each year..
National Luxembourg Day – On 23 June, Luxembourg celebrates the Grand Duke’s birthday, which is also commonly referred to as the National Day.
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