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On the Web
National Go Birding Day – National Go Birding Day is celebrated annually on the last Saturday in April. For 2024, the celebration falls on April 27.
Audubon – Outside your door, on your way to work, at the beach—birds are everywhere. Whether you’re a beginner looking for your first pair of binoculars or an experienced birder in search of identification tips, you will have it all here for you.
Birding with Benefits – Whether you’re simply investing in a bird feeder for your backyard or going for a walk in your local park, birding is beneficial to both your mind and body.
Birds Canada – The country’s only national organization dedicated to bird conservation.
Bird Feeding Month – February is National Bird Feeding Month. Celebrate with these resources, media, and more to attract and care for your back yard birds.
Great Backyard Bird Count – Each February citizen scientists come together to collect data about wild birds from across the globe.
Garden for Wildlife Month – Whether you’re a gardening novice with a small balcony or a gardening veteran with a few acres, you can provide for local wildlife by planting with purpose.
National Hummingbird Day – National Hummingbird Day is celebrated on the first Saturday in September every year.
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