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On the Web
World Cardmaking Day – World Card Making Day is an exciting day that is celebrated every first Saturday in October.
Pinterest – Plenty of card-making ideas to inspire.
The Ultimate Cardmaking Supply List – One of the most cumbersome tasks faced with when beginning card making is figuring out which supplies you need in order to get started on your new and exciting card maker’s journey.
Wikipedia – Cardmaking, according to the Internet encyclopedia.
Creativity Month – Explore your creativity during the month of January and beyond! Being creative in the first month of the year can set you up for success!
Drawing Day – May 16 is drawing day and the perfect opportunity to express your inner creativity!
Upcycling Day – Upcycling Day, held every June 24, is an international celebration of repurposing old items and upcycling them so that they are not wasted.
Scrapbook Day -National Scrapbook Day, celebrated on the first Saturday in May.
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