American Chess Day – Chess fans in the US have a chance to celebrate their love for the pastime on American Chess Day, held on September 1.
International Chess Day – We celebrate International Chess Day on July 20, a day that was born from an idea the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) had. Chess lovers around the world celebrate their favorite game on this day each year.
@chesscom – Follow the community on twitter.
Chess News – International chess news and updates.
Chess Superstitions – Anyone who has been part of the chess community for long enough knows that quite a few chess players are superstitious. How large is the number, however?
National Puzzles Day – January 29 marks National Puzzle a day when we celebrate the enjoyment of completing puzzles and all sorts of mind-bending problems.
National Scrabble Day – Alfred Mosher Butts gave the world an iconic board game and on April 13 we celebrate his birthday and the board game Scrabble!
Tabletop Game Day – The first Saturday in June is International Tabletop Day!
Play Monopoly Day – National Play Monopoly Day is on November 19 every year.
Game & Puzzle Week – National Game and Puzzle Week is from November 20 to November 26, spanning Thanksgiving week.
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