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National Dog Month
National Black Dog Day – Too many black dogs remain in shelters because some people believe they are bad luck. Show your love for these amazing pets and change the minds of the hesitant.
National Dog Month – With the initiative of @Milkbone National Dog Month be held every August, every year, from now until the end of dog time.
Common Dog Behavior Issues – If you’re looking for help treating your dog’s behavior issue, or just curious about why your dog does what he does, you’ve come to the right place.
Dog Breeds – The A-to-Z guide from the American Kennel Club.
Dress Up Your Pet Day – January 14 is Dress Up Your Pet Day and the perfect opportunity to showing off your companions style.
Be Kind To Animals Week – Teach kids to be kind to all living creatures by example and with free lessons during the American Humane’s “Be Kind to Animals Week”.
National Puppy Day – March 23 is the day for all dog enthusiasts to celebrate unconditional love of their best friend.
National Train Your Dog Month – In 2010 the Association of Professional Dog Trainers began the National Train Your Dog Month campaign. The APDT thought it was long overdue to dedicate a month to bringing awareness to the importance of socialization and training, and most of all, to inform the public that training your dog can be easy and fun!
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