A Brief History of Drums – From early drums made from gourds to the electronic drums of today, the history of drums involves a wide array of musical styles.
Drummit – A discussion of percussion Reddit group.
Drums of the World – A guide to percussion instruments from around the globe.
How to Play Drums – And teach yourself. Whether you’ve just bought your first kit or you aren’t sure how to get started, this resource covers the basics of drumming.
Musical Instrument Museum – Developed by the MIM curatorial team, Beyond the Beat: Drums of the World brought together curators’ areas of expertise and individual experiences to create a global perspective of this major class of instruments.
Top 10 Benefits of Learning Drums – Playing drums can relieve frustration, disappointment, and stress. Playing for just a few minutes can boost your mood.
Virtual Drums – Use your computer keyboard or click the drum kit to play the virtual drums.
Wikipedia – The drum, according to the Internet encyclopedia.
National Ukulele Day – National Ukulele Day takes place on February 2, when ukulele players from around the country will strum their favorite tunes to celebrate.
National Kazoo Day – Each year on January 28, America celebrates National Kazoo Day.
National Guitar Day – Celebrate your favorite musical instrument and guitar musicians on February 11.
National Marching Band Day – National Marching Band Day on March 4 celebrates the ‘march’ music genre, which features a strong regular rhythm expressly written for marching to and most frequently performed by military bands.
International Music Day – In 1974, the International Music Council declared that International Music Day would be celebrated on October 1 every year.
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