Animals of Ecuador – Ecuador’s wildlife can appear fantastical, exotic, and sometimes a bit terrifying, but it will never cease to catch your eye and your imagination.
Ecuador Travel – Official Website for the International Promotion of Ecuador’s Ministry of Tourism.
Galápagos Islands – Located at the confluence of three ocean currents, the Galápagos are a ‘melting pot’ of marine species.
History and Culture of Ecuador – Ecuador’s distinct culture is as vibrant and beautiful as the hand woven tapestries of its local artisans.
Uruguay Constitution Day – Officially known as ‘Jura de la Constitucion de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay,’ the holiday commemorates the adoption of Uruguay’s first constitution on July 18, 1830.
Peru Independence Day – Celebrate Peru’s Independence Day on July 28. It is a historic day for the people of Peru whereby they celebrate their hard-earned independence.
Guyana Emancipation Day – Emancipation Day in Guyana is annually observed on August 1. It marks the abolition of slavery in Guyana and commemorates the end of years of dehumanization and the resurgence of the African spirit.
Plurinational State Foundation Day – On January 22nd, Bolivians celebrate their multicultural identity with the Plurinational State Foundation Day.
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