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Setsubun – Setsubun is celebrated on February 3 each year, however, it can also be celebrated a day before on February 2, or a day after on February 4 depending on the Japanese lunar calendar. The day marks the onset of spring and kicks off the spring festival in Japan, called Hina Matsuri.
Obon Festival – Obon Festival is an annual Japanese ritual observed from the 13th to the 15th of the seventh lunar month.
Bon Festival – The celebration, according to the Internet encyclopedia.
An Overview of Japanese Cities – This article covers the main cities of interest to International people in Japan, where there are schools, employment opportunities.
Food Culture in Japan – Food plays a crucial role in shaping Japanese culture. Japanese cuisine is closely related to nature, taking inspiration from the four seasons as well as from the rich selection of edible ingredients the land and the sea have to offer.
Hinamatsuri – The doll festival is observed in Japan on March 3 to celebrate female children and pray for their continued health and happiness.
Japanese Culture Day – Culture Day in Japan is celebrated every year on November 3.
Bodhi Day – Observed on December 8, Bodhi Day is observed to mark the moment that took place 2,500 years ago when Siddhartha Gautama achieved enlightenment and became the Buddha or ‘awakened one’.
National Anime Day – The reason for celebrating National Anime Day as an annual event on April 15 is that anime has grown in popularity over the past few decades.
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