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Moldova Independence Day– Moldova Independence Day is celebrated annually on August 27. In Romanian, it is named ‘Ziua Independenței.’
Cuisine – Moldova embraces the culinary traditions that their grandparents and great-grandparents passed on to them to create simple, but scrumptious, meals filled with traditional Moldovan dishes like placinte, sarmale, zeama or mamaliga.
Culture – The culture of the Republic of Moldovarepresents a large gamut of cultural activities: literature, theatre, music, fine arts, architecture, cinematography, broadcasting and television, photographic art, design, circus, folk art, archives and libraries, books editing, scientific research, cultural tourism and so on.
Music – Moldovan folk is known for swift, complex rhythms (a characteristic shared with many Eastern European traditions), musical improvisation, syncopation and much melodic ornamentation.
Slovakia Constitution Day – Deň Ústavy Slovenskej Republiky or Slovakia Constitution Day is celebrated on September 1 to mark the anniversary of Slovakia’s adoption of its constitution.
Czech Founding Day – Czech Founding Day takes place on October 28 every year.
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