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On the Web
Nigeria Independence Day – Nigeria Independence Day is on October 1. It celebrates the country’s independence from British rule which occurred in 1960.
Cities – A list of Nigerian cities, by population, from Wikipedia.
Culture & Heritage – The culture of Nigeria is shaped by Nigeria’s multiple ethnic groups. The country has over 50 languages and over 250 dialects and ethnic groups.
Ghana Republic Day – Ghana’s Republic Day is celebrated on July 1 every year. The day marks the establishment of Ghana as a sovereign republic in 1960.
Tunisia Republic Day – Tunisia Republic Day is celebrated on July 25 every year to commemorate the vote to abolish the monarchy.
National Day of Benin – The National Day of Benin is a federal holiday observed on August 1 in the Republic of Benin. The holiday is celebrated annually to commemorate Benin receiving independence from the French colonial powers and becoming an independent nation-state.
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