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World Folktales & Fables Week
On the Web
World Folktales & Fables Week – World Folktales & Fables Week takes place every year during the third week of March and this year, it will run from March 17 to 23.
Aaron’s World of Stories – Folktales (or folk tales) are stories passed down through generations, mainly by telling. Different kinds of folktales include fairy tales (or fairytales), tall tales, trickster tales, myths, and legends. You’ll find all of those here.
Folktales of the World – In this collection, there are traditional folktales told in their native languages as well as English.
World Folklore – From Aesop’s fables to fairy tales, from Thor’s Wedding to the Screaming Tunnel, we’ve got funny short stories, scary ghost stories, and popular folktales for everyone to enjoy.
Read to Your Child Day – Read to Your Child Day is celebrated every year on February 14.
National Tell A Fairy Tale Day – February 26 is National Fairy Tale Day and the perfect opportunity to share the myths and legends that have become our escape into fantasy.
Mother Goose Day – We are swept back to memories of our childhood whenever we hear of National Mother Goose Day on May 1.
Alice in Wonderland Day – Get ready to celebrate the world of imagination and madness on Alice in Wonderland Day on July 4.
Book Lovers Day – Get started on a new book, visit the library, or share a book with a friend on National Book Lovers Day, August 9.
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