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On the Web
International Cheetah Day– Participate in one of the events happening on the International Cheetah Day.Want to list your own event? Everyone is welcome to share how they will celebrate the cheetah on December 4th.
Cheetah Fact Sheet – Cheetahs typically weigh between 84 to 143 pounds, with males slightly larger than females. Their length can range from 45 to 55 inches, with their tail up to 33 inches.
Cheetahs Return to Malawi – After a twenty year absence, cheetahs were translocated from South Africa to Liwonde National Park in Malawi, returning the threatened species to the country.
Ten Things You Might Not Know About Cheetahs – December 4 is a good day for running and jogging, because it is International Cheetah Day. What else do you know about these amazing big cats, besides the fact that they are fast?
Wikipedia – The world’s fastest land animal according to the Internet encyclopedia.
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