Turn right at Wardour Street and then right on Old Compton to find yourself among London’s gay neighbourhood and home to a selection of bars, eateries and businesses. At the end of the block is the Algerian Coffee Storewhich has been providing London with specialty coffee for more than a century!
City of London – In the heart of London, The City is an adventure in architecture with some very modern skyscrapers among structures several centuries old.
Lambeth – Lambeth is located immediately south of Westminster Bridge where you will encounter Lambeth Palace, the Museum of Garden History, the Florence Nightingale Museum, and the Imperial War Museum.
St. Paul’s Cathedral – St. Paul’s remains to be one of London’s most beloved landmarks.
St. James London – Join me on an arts and culture tour featuring art galleries and fine men’s fashion.
Waterloo to Whitehall – A spin on the London Eye, with visits to Sea Life Aquarium, Westminster Bridge, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, and Whitehall Street attractions.
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If you would like to buy me a coffee or make a small donation to help with operating costs, this would be lovely!