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National Cook for Your Pet Day – Our pets give us unconditional love, companionship, and attention, so it’s the least we can do to return their efforts on National Cook For Your Pets Day on November 1!
7 Foods to Cook for Your Dog – Here are seven different foods and meals that are safe for your dog to eat and tips on how to prepare them.
A Beginner’s Guide to Home Cooking for Dogs – As dog owners, we are often advised not to share our meals with our dogs. So what do we cook for our them? Many human ingredients are actually fine. The difference is that food we prepare for ourselves often contains elements that aren’t friendly to our dogs, or are too rich or fatty for their systems. Using healthy ingredients to prepare food meant for their systems is just fine.
How to Cook for Cats – Cooking for cats can be a great way to get your cats the proteins they need, and it can also be a very enjoyable pastime for the people making it. It’s essential to consult with a qualified veterinary nutritionist before embarking on feeding you cat solely on home prepared foods
How to Cook for Your Pet – Opinions regarding nutrition and feeding of all animals (including humans) vary. The advice and recipes in this column do not constitute professional recommendations. Be sure to consult your pet’s own medical practitioner regarding your pet’s diet and health needs, especially before changing your pet’s diet.
Is Homemade Cat Food Better? – For people, homemade meals are almost always healthier than what you can buy ready-to-eat from the store. It stands to reason that the same would be true for our feline friends, right? Not necessarily.
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