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On the Web
Family History Month – October is a great opportunity to talk about family history and make sure your family story is remembered for decades (and centuries) to come.
6 Reasons Why You Should Study Your Family – Uncovering and preserving your family’s history comes with many long-lasting benefits – and these benefits extend beyond the person who is discovering and documenting that history.
BYU Family History Library – The Harold B. Lee Library offers an extensive selectioon of videos to help you on your family journey.
Choosing the right format for writing your family history – What do you do with all of the materials you’ve gathered? What’s the best way to present your family’s history? What kind of a story do you want to tell — and how do you want to tell it?
Family History Fanatics – Sharing simplified and applicable instructions, so you strengthen your family by enthusiastically learning from your genealogical past.
National Grandparents Day – On the first Sunday after Labor Day we celebrate National Grandparents Day.
Wife Appreciation Day – National Wife Appreciation Day, celebrated on the third Sunday of September .
National Daughter Day – National Daughters Day on September 25 is a day to celebrate and cherish our daughters who bring so much love and into our lives.
Father’s Day – A day to celebrate dad’s and father figures.
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