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Why GO Cybernaut?
Sometimes the World Wide Web can get to be a bit much and needs a little bit of calming down. As an Autistic individual, I was finding plenty of distractions which made surfing the web an uncomfortable experience.
What I needed was a clean directory which offered resources to information without sending me into information overload. I wasn’t here for the bells and whistles. I was here for straightforward resources and content that was easy to understand.
While I know from my own experience, this is an easier approach to exploring the Internet. Something all Web Surfers can appreciate regardless of how they process information. What began as my approach to a logical and organized collection of my favorite interests – and celebrating them – hopefully will tempt you to explore your own interests and discover others.
The one aspect of Autism that affects my online presence is that of communication. My ability to communicate with others on a personal level isn’t happening. Therefore the ability to promote my website or myself is a great mystery. I wouldn’t know where to start and the thought of figuring this out makes me anxious.
I feel that the revenue created by our efforts is often how our success is determined. Considering I continue to make zero revenue after much sweat, tears, and determination this adds little to the success or failure factor. I am hoping there is some success in helping someone find the information they need, in the way that they can best enjoy it.
While I do enjoy the idea that what I do will make someone’s day a little brighter I don’t believe that you, my visitors realize that one person is responsible for creating and maintaining 600+ pages of celebrations. 600 pages that I would love to share with the world. I cannot seem to make this happen. I have tried to follow the rules, have taken numerous university courses. I follow the rules, jumped through all the hoops and they lead me nowhere.
My best hope is that you can help. You can help by spreading the word about to your friends, family, and anyone who needs a calmer ride through the Internet. If you shop at Amazon or any of my partner boutiques and shops this would be appreciated so much!
Recently my husband Robert and I have faced many challenges including his cancer, my broken back, and recently a serious illness that is being aggravated by financial worries brought on during the last few years of illness and injury.
I was hoping that Go Cybernaut could provide an income to supplement my basic pension. This income is needed more as I find most of my income paying off the debts incurred during the COVID years as my husband was treated for and overcame cancer. If you can help out the gofundme link below has the details.
Every dollar donated or link to will be appreciated more than you can imagine.
The Amazon Wish List is my list of the extras I cannot afford and would be nice to have just because.
How to Help
Shop With Me – As an independent content creator my income comes from purchases via my affiliates. These hand-picked partners were chosen with care. This shopping directory provides an eclectic shopping experience and I appreciate any purchases you may enjoy as it supports my efforts to provide content.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from
purchases for the
products I profile or promote.
Any income I earn comes from the
relationship with Amazon and
other affiliates. I appreciate any
purchases made as it supports my
efforts to provide content.
If you would like to buy me a coffee or make a small donation to help with operating costs, this would be lovely!