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On the Web
International Harry Potter Day – International Harry Potter Day on May 2 brings merriment to Potterheads around the world.
Harry Potter’s Birthday – How do we celebrate the birthday of someone who is entirely fictional? Pack your wand, hop on your broomstick and join us on July 31!
Harry Potter Book Day – Harry Potter Book Day, formerly Harry Potter Book Night, will be held on October 12 this year to celebrate and allow fans to immerse themselves in the wizarding world of Harry Potter for one day.
Harry Potter cast and producers remember their favorite lines.
Appreciate A Dragon– January 16 is an opportunity to learn about the history, mythology, and real-life dragons today.
Read to Your Child Day – Read to Your Child Day is celebrated every year on February 14.
International Children’s BookDay – Since 1967, International Children’s Book Day is celebrated on or around Hans Christian Andersen’s birthday, April 2.
Star Wars Day– May the 4th be with you – celebrate a galaxy far, far, away on May 4th!
Geek Pride Day – If you’re into any sort of fandom and not afraid to show it, celebrate Geek Pride Day on May 25.
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