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On the Web
Kids Music Day – Kids Music Day is celebrated every year on the first Friday of October.
Keep Music Alive – Keep Music Alive partners with music schools, stores, and other music organizations around the world to help focus attention on the importance of including music as part of children’s education.
Pinterest – Dozens of fun activities to share with musical kids.
Why Should Kids Learn Music In School? – Music is often the favourite lesson for young students, and because it brings out so much joy in them, it often doesn’t receive the reputation it deserves.
Mother Goose Day – We are swept back to memories of our childhood whenever we hear of National Mother Goose Day on May 1.
Classical Music Month – During the month of September we celebrate the many talented composers, conductors, and musicians who bring classical music to our ears.
International Music Day – In 1974, the International Music Council declared that International Music Day would be celebrated on October 1 every year.
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