Meteor Watch Day – Celebrate National Meteor Watch Day on June 30 by finding out as much as you can about the phenomenon and the impact it leaves on Earth.
Sky & Telescope – From January’s Quadrantids to December’s Geminids, meteor showers provide a wonderful opportunity to lay back and be in awe of the universe.
Wikipedia – Meteors according to the Internet encyclopedia.
Meteor Showers 101
The Perseids
How to Watch the Perseids – Featuring some advice on how to watch one of the best meteor showers of the year.
NASA – An in-depth look at the annual meteor shower.
Wikipedia – The Perseids are a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Swift–Tuttle. The meteors are called the Perseids because the point from which they appear to hail (called the radiant) lies in the constellation Perseus.
Science Education Day – Science Education Day takes place every March 14 to appreciate the contributions of various individuals, both young and adults, towards the development of science education.
Collecting Rocks Day – Collect Rocks Day is on September 16 and the perfect time to learn more about rocks and minerals.
Astronaut Day– May 5 is the day #WeBelieveInAstronauts celebrates heroic astronauts with a mission to inspire all!
What’s A Meteor Shower?
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