The Truth Behind Mother Goose – The simple and seemingly innocent nursery rhymes we grew up reciting; hide a twisted and dark history. Mother Goose’s ulterior social and political agendas are cleverly masked in the guise of playful nursery rhymes.
National Kindergarten Day – Each year on April 21st, National Kindergarten Day honors the birthday of the man who started the first Kindergarten. Friedrich Wilhelm August Frobel.
Read to Your Child Day – Read to Your Child Day is celebrated every year on February 14.
National Tell A Fairy Tale Day – February 26 is National Fairy Tale Day and the perfect opportunity to share the myths and legends that have become our escape into fantasy.
Appreciate A Dragon– January 16 is an opportunity to learn about the history, mythology, and real-life dragons today.
Young Readers Week – Young Readers Week, celebrated in the second week of November every year, from November 15 to 19 this year, is the perfect opportunity to introduce your young ones to the incredible world of books.
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