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National Adoption Month – The mission of National Adoption Month is to celebrate the families who have grown through adoption, and to recognize the many children who are still waiting for forever families.
Foreign Adoption FAQ (Canada) – Answers about adopting from other countries from the Canadian government.
National Foster Care & Adoption Directory (US) – The National Foster Care & Adoption Directory offers contact information for State child welfare officials, programs, organizations, and services with a focus on foster care, permanency, and adoption.
National Grandparents Day – On the first Sunday after Labor Day we celebrate National Grandparents Day.
National Parenting Week – National Parenting Week highlights just how important parenting skills are in society.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Day – The National Chicken Soup for the Soul Day is celebrated on November 12 to inspire people who are going through a difficult phase in life and help them heal their souls.
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