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On the Web
National Internet Day – National Internet Day is October 29, a day to look back at where it all began and a look to what the future might bring.
Digital Life in 2025 – Experts predict the Internet will become ‘like electricity’ — less visible, yet more deeply embedded in people’s lives for good and ill.
Internet Safety Guide for Kids – October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month and it’s a great time to give your kids and their devices a cybersecurity checkup
Internet Society – A global nonprofit organization empowering people to keep the Internet a force for good: open, globally connected, secure, and trustworthy.
Video Game Day – September 12 is National Video Games Day! Prepare for a day of fun.
Shop With Me – As an independent content creator my income comes from purchases via my affiliates. These hand-picked partners were chosen with care. This shopping directory provides an eclectic shopping experience and I appreciate any purchases you may enjoy as it supports my efforts to provide content.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from
purchases for the
products I profile or promote.
Any income I earn comes from the
relationship with Amazon and
other affiliates. I appreciate any
purchases made as it supports my
efforts to provide content.
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