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On the Web
National Oregon Day – National Oregon Day is celebrated on March 8 every year. This day celebrates the State of Oregon, which is also known as the Beaver State. – Official state government portal for the State.
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife – Protecting and enhancing Oregon’s fish and wildlife, and the habitats they use, for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.
Oregon Historical Society – The Oregon Historical Society is dedicated to making Oregon’s long, rich history visible and accessible to all.
Oregon State Parks – Each of the state parks is an individual place where people play, picnic, camp, explore, hike, rest, and renew.
National Lighthouse Day – On National Lighthouse Day, August 7, we celebrate how these scenic, historic structures comforted travelers throughout the centuries.
Beach Day – This August 30th holiday raises our awareness of the beauty of beaches while also calling attention to keeping them clean and safe.
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