Ancient and Literary History behind Mardi Gras – The earliest record of Mardi Gras comes from ancient times, from the celebration of a fertility festival called Lupercalia that welcomed the arrival of Spring.
Independence Day USA – On the 4th of July the United States celebrates the biggest holiday of the year with parades, get-togethers, and fireworks!
Slow Cooking Month – Discover why January is known as National Slow Cooking month.
Anytime Hawaii Day – National Anytime Hawaiian Day on December 2 is a public holiday in Hawaii that celebrates the diverse culture and illustrious history of the Aloha State.
Drink Beer Day – On September 28, we consider all the beers that make us happy.
Pancake Day – September 26 was first referred to as Lumberjack Day in 2005, but its creators changed the name to National Pancake Day to honor eating pancakes.
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