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Every year, during the holiday season I enjoy revisiting holiday shows that I enjoyed while young. I find these programs reflect so much of what life was like during the twentieth century.
Back in the day I would re-watch the videos via VHS, eventually I was able to buy a box set of classic television, presently, YouTube makes it possible to share the nostalgia with all of you!
It’s December 31, 1977 and The Ramones are live at the Rainbow Theater in London, England. Join them for the concert.
The first New Year celebration since the end of WWII and the Armed Forces Radio Service produced a program from seventeen of the “Big Band Era’s” greatest attractions playing from ballrooms across the nation. The program entitled “Swing Around The Clock” was broadcast worldwide to usher in the year 1946.
Science Fiction Day – Fans of classic film will enjoy the playlist of sci-fi-themed movies from the 1950s and 1960s.
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