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On the Web
Nova Scotia Heritage Day – Celebrated the third Monday in February, Nova Scotia Heritage Day is an annual reminder of the province’s storied past and an opportunity to honour the remarkable people, places and events that have contributed to this province’s unique heritage.
Exploring Nova Scotia’s Historic Past – The province’s interesting past has been well-preserved and can be explored in-depth in museums and archives, through festivals, heritage and cultural sites.
Genealogy Guide – Recognizing that family history impacts how people view themselves, their history, and their connections to the world at large, the Nova Scotia Archives makes both on-site and online access to family-history related records a priority.
Historic Nova Scotia – Historic Nova Scotia recognizes the support of the Province of Nova Scotia. They work in partnership with the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage to develop and promote a cultural resources for all Nova Scotians.
Nova Scotia Archives – Nova Scotia Archives is continually adding to their digital collections, including virtual exhibits, databases, photographs and other resources. 100,000s of images and millions of records are online.
Nova Scotia’s National, Historic & UNESCO Sites – Each of Nova Scotia’s 86 Canadian National Historic Sites tell the story of centuries of adventure, cultural diversity, conquest, discovery and scenic beauty.
Canada Day – Celebrate Canada’s official day on July 1.
National Lighthouse Day – On National Lighthouse Day, August 7, we celebrate how these scenic, historic structures comforted travelers throughout the centuries.
Beach Day – This August 30th holiday raises our awareness of the beauty of beaches while also calling attention to keeping them clean and safe.
Family History Month – October is a great opportunity to talk about family history and make sure your family story is remembered.
International Music Day – In 1974, the International Music Council declared that International Music Day would be celebrated on October 1 every year.
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