March 12 is Plant a Flower Day and the perfect opportunity to get ready for Spring!
On the Web
National Plant A Flower Day – From the simple daisy to the elegant rose, from the colorful wildflowers dotting hillsides to the elaborate and vibrant blooms of southeastern Asia, flowers have more than deserved their own day of celebration for their contributions to nature, culture, and life.
How To Plant Flowers – This guide teaches you how to plant flowers, including plant selection, soil preparation and offers tips on choosing plants and preparing the soil before planting flowers.
Houseplant Appreciation Day – January 10 marks National Houseplant Appreciation Day, when we can appreciate the greenery and life of our houseplants during the deep of winter.
National Garden Month – National Gardening Week was observed yearly in April until 2002 when the entire month of April was dedicated to “all things gardening”.
Lei Day – The May 1 celebration focuses on the Hawaiian culture, and the aloha spirit.
Learn About Composting Day – May 29 is National Learn About Composting Day! We all want to do our part to conserve natural resources and reduce our carbon footprint.
Red Rose Day – National Red Rose Day is celebrated on June 12 to pay tribute to the love and romance of the iconic blooms.
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