Polka – Extensive and regularly updated information about Polish classical, folk and jazz music from the Polish Music Center at the University of Southern California.
Polka Influence on Mexican Music – In this article, you’ll learn the surprising history surrounding how polka changed the Mexican musical landscape.
The Rebellios, Scanddlous Origins of Polka – The dance is often associated with the traditions of immigrant communities in America. But it emerged in Europe during a time of radicalism.
Wikipedia – Polka music and dance according to the Internet encyclopedia.
Square Dance Day – National Square Dancing Day is celebrated on November 29 every year in the United States to honor the square dance form of folk dancing.
Kids Music Day – Kids Music Day is celebrated every year on the first Friday of October.
International Music Day – In 1974, the International Music Council declared that International Music Day would be celebrated on October 1 every year.
Creativity Month – Explore your creativity during the month of January and beyond! Being creative in the first month of the year can set you up for success!
International Beer Day – Because two days is better than one – enjoy the day and celebrate your favorite beverage on April 7 and again on August 5.
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