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On the Web
National Senior Health & Fitness Day – National Senior Health and Fitness Day is celebrated on the last Wednesday of May, this year on May 29. It is a day dedicated to the betterment of the health of seniors.
Exercise Programs That Promote Senior Fitness – Experts say older adults should engage in moderate exercise and strength training each week, however less than one-third meet this recommendation.
How Much Physical Activity DO Older Adults Need?– As an older adult, regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health. It can prevent or delay many of the health problems that seem to come with age. It also helps your muscles grow stronger so you can keep doing your day-to-day activities without becoming dependent on others.
Nutrition for Older Adults – Discover what nutrition is and why it is important to the health of seniors.
Nutrition Needs for Older Adults – You hear a lot about what people need in vitamins and minerals, but what you may not realize is those needs change as people age.
Senior Exercise & Fitness Tips – No matter your age or physical condition, it’s never too late to start exercising and get fit. These easy tips will help you get started safely and make it fun.
Senior’s Nutrition – Find tips on grocery shopping, keeping a healthy weight, and managing health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, digestion and osteoporosis.
Genealogy Day – Genealogy Day is every second Saturday in March and this year, it takes place on March 11.
Senior Fraud Awareness Day – National Senior Fraud Awareness Day is observed on May 15 every year. Its objective is to raise awareness of fraudulent schemes older adults often fall prey.
Hot Tea Month – Treat yourself to a warm cup of tea on a cold January day.
Hug Your Cat Day – June 4th is all about showing extra care to your feline friends.
CBD Month – National CBD Month in January serves the purpose of spreading knowledge and creating awareness of C.B.D. and its surprising benefits.
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