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Korean New Year – Korean New Year or ‘Seollal’, falling on February 10th this year, is a festival and national holiday that usually occurs in January or February on the second new moon after the winter solstice, unless there is an intercalary 11th or 12th month in the lead-up to the New Year.
Calennig – This Welsh holiday falls on January 13 every year and welcomes the New Year!
Chinese Lunar New Year – Chinese New Year is the main holiday of the year for more than one-quarter of the world’s population.
Mahayana New Year – This January 7th celebration signifies a sacred start of a fresh year with a hope to enlighten people’s life with bliss and fortune.
Heritage Treasures Day (UK) – Heritage Treasures Day is marked on January 11 of every year. It’s the perfect day to let everyone know about your unique heritage.
New Year’s Eve – Discover plenty of ways to ring in the New Year!
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