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On the Web
World Puppetry Day – We celebrate World Puppetry Day on March 21 every year.
A History of Puppets in Britain – Nobody knows when the first puppet shows were performed in Britain, though there is evidence of puppetry dating back at least 600 years.
Art of Puppetry – Explore the Canadian Museum of Civilization’s puppetry collection as well as specific aspects of the art of puppetry. The Museum’s collection, boasting more than 2,000 puppets and accessories.
Puppeteers of America – Puppeteers of America is a national non-profit organization founded in 1937 to provide information, encourage performances, and build a community of people who celebrate puppet theatre.
What Is A Puppet?– Educational resources for children, classrooms, and families.
Wikipedia – Puppets, according to the Internet encyclopedia.
World Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts – World Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts called “WEPA” or “EMAM” for Encyclopédie Mondiale des Arts de la Marionnette, has been created in order to preserve the heritage of puppetry arts while promoting the new trends.
Hinamatsuri – The doll festival is observed in Japan on March 3 to celebrate female children and pray for their continued health and happiness.
World Folktales & Fables Week – World Folktales & Fables Week takes place every year during the third week of March and this year, it will run from March 17 to 23.
Bobblehead Day – National Bobblehead Day on January 7 now is a chance to recognize the fun behind these dolls and figures.
National Doll Day – We celebrate Doll Day on the second Saturday in June.
Plush Animal Lover’s Day – Celebrated on October 28 every year. and a time to appreciate your favorite plushie or collection.
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