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On the Web
National Day of Ethiopia – National Day of Ethiopia is observed annually on May 28. It is also known as the Downfall of the Derg. The Derg, a dictatorial military regime led by Mengistu Haile Mariam, was brought to an end in 1991.
About Ethiopia – A brief overview from the Ethiopian Embassy in Washington D.C.
CDC – Information for travelers from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.
Your Guide to Ethiopian Cuisine – A go-to guide to learn about the history of Ethiopian food, what it tastes like, and some traditional Ethiopian dishes.
Senegal Independence Day – Senegal Independence Day falls on April 4. It has been celebrated annually since they gained independence from France on April 4, 1960.
Namibia Independence Day – Namibia Independence Day is marked on March 21 every year to commemorate the day the nation became a sovereign state.
National Day of Benin – The National Day of Benin is a federal holiday observed on August 1 in the Republic of Benin. The holiday is celebrated annually to commemorate Benin receiving independence from the French colonial powers and becoming an independent nation-state.
Zambia Independence Day – Zambia Independence Day is celebrated on October 24 each year. This holiday indicates independence from the United Kingdom on this day in 1964 and is the National Holiday of Zambia.
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