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On the Web
Gambia Independence Day – February 18, in Gambia, marks the anniversary of liberation from the British Empire.
Culture, Language, & Religion – The Gambia is a former British Colony and the official language is English but there are also several tribal languages including Mandinka and Wolof.
Ghana Independence Day – Ghana Independence Day is celebrated every year on March 6. It is a public holiday for the citizens of Ghana and is also widely celebrated among Ghanaians living abroad.
Namibia Independence Day – Namibia Independence Day is marked on March 21 every year to commemorate the day the nation became a sovereign state.
Senegal Independence Day – Senegal Independence Day falls on April 4. It has been celebrated annually since they gained independence from France on April 4, 1960.
Cameroon National Day – The National Day of Cameroon, also known as Unitary State Day is celebrated annually on the 20th of May.
National Ocean Month – National Oceans Month is celebrated each year in June and it’s time to honor the element that is essential to the planet Earth.
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