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On the Web
National Kindergarten Day – Each year on April 21st, National Kindergarten Day honors the birthday of the man who started the first Kindergarten. Friedrich Wilhelm August Frobel.
5 Simple Ways to Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten – Although the definition of Kindergarten-readiness can vary depending on the context, here are five simple ways to help prepare your child for Kindergarten.
Kindergarten Parents – Make the most of opportunities to connect with the teacher when your child starts kindergarten.
Reading Tips for Parents of Kindergarteners – The tips included offer some fun ways you can help your child become a happy and confident reader. Try a new tip each week. See what works best for your child.
Pack Your Lunch Day – March 10 is National Pack Your Lunch Day, celebrate lunch today and every day with these tasty recipes and lunch box ideas and resources.
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