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On the Web
Sesame Street Day – This November 10th is Sesame Street Day! Get ready to celebrate the most widely viewed kids’ show in the world!
Do You Know How to Get to Sesame Street? – This collection is designed to engage preschoolers in everyday learning by teaching core skills in Math, Literacy, STEM, and Social and Emotional Development. Here you’ll find hundreds of videos, games, and printable materials to help you to excite even the youngest learners.
IMDb – Programming facts at the Internet Movie Database.
Sesame Street – Games and activities for children from the offical site.
National Tell A Fairy Tale Day – February 26 is National Fairy Tale Day and the perfect opportunity to share the myths and legends that have become our escape into fantasy.
Children’s Birthday – Fun food, games, activities, decorations and more for youngsters.
Mother Goose Day – We are swept back to memories of our childhood whenever we hear of National Mother Goose Day on May 1.
Plush Animal Lover’s Day – Celebrated on October 28 every year. and a time to appreciate your favorite plushie or collection.
Shop With Me – As an independent content creator my income comes from purchases via my affiliates. These hand-picked partners were chosen with care. This shopping directory provides an eclectic shopping experience and I appreciate any purchases you may enjoy as it supports my efforts to provide content
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